Bon Secours Richmond Health System (Blackstone) Program Family Medicine

You know about how individuals gain control of the power of the State and and so abuse that power similar former US President George "Dubya" Bush?  "Dubya" started a state of war in Iraq which was highly assisting for some Usa businesses.  He accomplished this b y challenge Iraq had a nuclear weapons programme which was a serious world security threat when Iraq did not and when it had already been bombed into oblivion past the war his Dad George Bush Snr waged on Iraq in 1992: Valerie Plame Wilson: the housewife CIA spy who was 'fair game' for Bush UK The Telegraph By Chrissy Iley 15 Feb 2011.

Think how Bush-league was supported past United kingdom Premier Tony Blair who helped by persuading the British Parliament to join the US with faked "intelligence" of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction which did not exist simply which Blair claimed could be deployed within 40 minutes and posed a serious security threat?

If you think that so yous will know how these kinds of people manipulate the media.  Notice how they persuade u.s. we are in imminent danger of some threat or other and that they can salve us all if nosotros trust them?

This trickery is not new.  Information technology had been used for well over a century with smallpox.  The myth continues to this day.

On CHS we wrote previously virtually how unscientific the claim is that smallpox was eradicated by vaccination when that bluntly is nonsense scientifically.  The demise of the illness came near as a issue of the interaction of iii completely different factors: isolation, attenuation and improved living atmospheric condition, particularly nutrition and sanitation. The effect cannot be attributable to the smallpox vaccine – whatever vaccine which takes over 100 years to work ipso facto proves itself not to have:

Small Pox – Big Lie – Bioterrorism Implications of Flawed Theories of Eradication

There was a nasty disease called smallpox and it did kill people long agone.

This was specially the example when the poor moved to the cities during the industrial revolution looking for piece of work and choked them in overcrowded unsanitary slums ripe for breeding and spreading disease: London's first park built after rich feared disease spread from slums UK The Contained Past Andy McSmith Friday 07 November 2008; Hygiene History in the Industrialized World.

The centre and upper classes needed to be reassured the State would keep them safe from the threat of disease.  The majority of the population of entire countries were persuaded their States could achieve this by ensuring the then truly "great unwashed" masses would be vaccinated and the illness controlled.  The trouble was this was a myth but the people wanted to believe and were persuaded.

Smallpox vaccination did not piece of work and sometimes killed equally many or more than the affliction itself whilst many of the "vaccinated" still contracted the illness: Smallpox Mortality, UK, USA, Sweden.

Now you can read a relatively short but well-referenced history of the myth of vaccination and the myth of its role in the eradication of smallpox:

Online Version – Vaccination: A Mythical History ~ by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries Medico – August 27, 2013


In the graphs beneath notice the large numbers of deaths acquired past the smallpox vaccine itself.  By 1901 in the UK, more people died from the smallpox vaccination than from smallpox itself.  The severity of the disease dimished with improved living standards and was not vanquished by vaccination, as the medical "consensus" view tells us. Whatsoever vaccine which takes 100 years to "work" did not.  On any scientific analysis of the history and information, crediting smallpox vaccine for the decline in smallpox appears misplaced.

When during 1880-1908 the City of Leicester in England stopped vaccination compared to the residue of the Britain and elsewhere, its survival rates soared and smallpox death rates plummeted [encounter table below].  Leicester's approach also cost far less.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Overstate – Opens In New Window]


Extracts from "LEICESTER: Sanitation versus Vaccination" By J.T. Biggs J.P.

[Download Entire Volume equally .pdf 43 Mb  – Or Read Online]

Table 21

SMALLPOX FATALITY RATES, cases in vaccinated and re-vaccinated populations compared with "unprotected" Leicester – 1860 to 1908.

Proper noun. Menstruation. Pocket-size-Pox.  Cases Small-Pox. Deaths. Fatality-charge per unit per cent. of Cases
Japan 1886-1908 288,779 77,415 26.8
British Army (United Kingdom) 1860-1908 1,355 96
British Army (India) 1860-1908 ii,753 307 11.ane
British Army (Colonies) 1860-1908 934 82 viii.8
Regal Navy 1860-1908 ii,909 234 8.0
Yard Totals and instance fatality charge per unit per cent, over all 296,730 78,134 26.3
Leicester (since giving upwardly vaccination) 1880-1908 ane,206 61

Biggs said "In this comparison, I accept given the numbers of revaccinated cases, and deaths, and each fatality-rate separately and together, so that they may be compared either way with Leicester. In pro-vaccinist linguistic communication, may I ask, if the excessive small-pox fatality of Japan, of the British Army, and of the Royal Navy, are non due to vaccination and revaccination, to what are they due? Information technology would afford an interesting psychical report were we able to know to what heights of eloquent glorification Sir George Buchanan would have soared with a corresponding result—but on the opposite side."


Modest-Pox Epidemics, Toll, and Fatality Rates Compared

Vaccinal Condition Small-scale-Pox Cases Small-Pox Deaths Fatality-charge per unit Per Cent Cost of Epidemic
London 1900-02 Well Vaccinated 9,659 1,594 sixteen.50 £492,000
Glasgow 1900-02 Well Vaccinated three,417 377 11.03 £ 150,000
Sheffield 1887-88 Well Vaccinated seven,066 688 9.73 £32,257
Leicester 1892-94 Practically Unvaccinated 393 21 5.34 £ii,888
Leicester 1902-04 Practically Unvaccinated 731 30 4.10 £one,602

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Overstate – Opens In New Window]



Vaccination: A Mythical History ~ past Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries Doctor

August 27, 2013

With the approaching flu season and the enthusiastic calls to employ the flu vaccine, you might be wondering where the idea of vaccination got its kickoff. Where did the idea of injecting whole or bits of microbes and other substances into people in an attempt to provide protection confronting contagious affliction brainstorm?

Many medical and history books nowadays a simple tale of the origin of vaccination. Most present the aforementioned bones tale of the brilliant observation of a simple country doctor and his backbone in attempting to thwart a deadly and frightening disease of that fourth dimension – smallpox, or as information technology was often called the speckled monster. In a recent and popular book, The Panic Virus, the author reiterates this classic tale.

In 1796, Jenner enlisted a milkmaid named Sarah Nelmes and an 8-year old boy named James Phipps to test his theory. Jenner transferred pus from Nelmes's cowpox blisters onto incisions he'd fabricated in Phipps's hands. The boy came down with a slight fever, but zip more. Afterward, Jenner gave Phipps a standard smallpox inoculation – which should have resulted in a full-blown, albeit mild, case of the affliction. Nothing happened. Jenner tried inoculating Phipps with smallpox once more; again, nothing. [i]

Edward Jenner's idea eventually became known as vaccination, which is derived from the Latin word for cow – vacca. It was originally referred to equally cowpoxing, but somewhen the term vaccination was adopted. As the story goes, with this invention in place, smallpox would be tamed and the world would exist freed from the terror of the disease.

Such is the stuff of legends. The story is not unlike the archetype Greek legends of Theseus defeating the kid-devouring Minotaur, or Perseus beheading the deadly serpent-headed Medusa, or many other classic stories of the brave hero defeating a mortiferous enemy. The Jenner legend has been reduced to a simple and memorable story of a hero defeating the deadly enemy, smallpox. Authors merits that with vaccination in place, "billions of lives" have been saved.[2]

But legendary heroes, particularly those that are used to support a conventionalities, achieve an iconic status while any unsavory aspects nearly the hero and the story are ignored or forgotten. Mythical tales are designed to evoke a positive emotional response to influence societal thinking.

The tale of defeating smallpox begins well earlier the story of our hero. Information technology begins with the concept of using minor amounts of smallpox pus and scratching information technology into the arms of salubrious people. This thought was introduced to the Western world by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in 1717. She had returned from the Ottoman Empire with knowledge of the practice of inoculation against smallpox, known as variolation. This blazon of inoculation was simply a matter of infecting a person with smallpox at a time and in a setting of his choosing. The idea behind inoculation was that, in a controlled setting, people would do ameliorate against the affliction than if they contracted it at some perhaps less desirable fourth dimension and place in the hereafter.

The idea was embraced by the medical profession and enthusiastically expert. Only because of the complexity and danger involved, inoculation remained an operation that could simply exist afforded by the wealthy.[3] The procedure did oftentimes help protect the individual that was inoculated, but there was still an estimated 2-5% that died as a effect.[4,v] However, this was an improvement compared to a 20-25% mortality charge per unit in those that had naturally contracted smallpox during an epidemic.[vi] But, was the difference in mortality due to inoculation lone? Or could it take had something to do with the fact that the wealthy had better access to more than nutritious nutrient and a cleaner surroundings than the majority of club?

In that location was i major and generally unacknowledged drawback to variolation – those inoculated could and did spread smallpox creating more than deaths than there would have been naturally. In a 1764 commodity the author recognized that smallpox was a contagious affliction and that the practice of variolation would create new vectors to spread it. He compared the smallpox deaths in the 38 years before the introduction of variolation to the 38 years subsequently, and found that smallpox deaths had increased⎯non decreased. He was forced to conclude that variolation on the whole, led to worse bug, considering it caused more deaths than lives saved.

It is incontestably similar the plague a contagious disease, what tends to stop the progress of the infection tends to lessen the danger that attends it; what tends to spread the contagion, tends to increase that danger; the practice of Inoculation obviously tends to spread the contagion, for a contagious affliction is produced by Inoculation where information technology would not otherwise take been produced; the place where information technology is thus produced becomes a center of contagion, whence it spreads not less fatally or widely than it would spread from a center where the illness should happen in a natural way; these centers of contamination are manifestly multiplied very greatly by Inoculation . . .[vii]

However, while the popularity of variolation varied, the problem of information technology spreading smallpox, was largely unrecognized. Because variolation had become a very lucrative procedure it was enthusiastically continued by almost of the medical profession through the 1700s and into the early 1800s. Smallpox continued to exist spread by this medically-sanctioned procedure.

At present enters the hero of our legend. Information technology was rumored among milkmaids that infection with cowpox would protect 1 from smallpox. In 1796, believing these stories, Edward Jenner performed an experiment on an 8-year-old male child named James Phipps. He took affliction matter that he believed to be cowpox from lesions on a dairymaid, Sarah Nelmes, and vaccinated James Phipps with it. He afterwards deliberately exposed the child to smallpox as a test to see if he was protected by the cowpox inoculation. When the boy did non contract clinical smallpox, information technology was assumed that the technique of vaccination was successful.

In 1798 Jenner published his results claiming lifelong protection against smallpox using his discovery with only rumors to back up his contention. While he promoted the apply of his technique based on the tale that someone infected with cowpox would be immune to smallpox, there were doctors of the time who challenged this myth, because they had seen smallpox follow cowpox. At a meeting of the Medico-Convivial Society, Jenner was ridiculed over his practise.

But he [Jenner] no sooner mentioned it than they laughed at it. The moo-cow doctors could take told him of hundreds of cases where small-pox had followed moo-cow-pox . . . [8]

From the beginning in that location were problems with Jenner's process. In 1799, Mr. Drake vaccinated a number of children with cowpox matter obtained from Edward Jenner. The children were and then tested by being inoculated with smallpox to run across if the cowpox procedure had been effective. All of them developed smallpox, and vaccination failed to protect any of them. Jenner received the report only decided to ignore the results because they were not in support of his theory.[9]

Vaccination was apace embraced by many in the medical profession every bit the answer to combating smallpox. By 1801, an estimated 100,000 people had already been vaccinated in England with the belief that the procedure would produce lifelong protection. The medical customs connected to embrace Jenner's ideas amidst numerous accounts that refuted the theory of vaccination. Early reports indicated that there were cases of people who had cowpox, or were vaccinated, and were withal dying of smallpox. Specific cases of cowpox and vaccine failure were reported in the 1809 Medical Observer.

A Kid was vaccinated by Mr. Robinson, surgeon and apothecary, at Rotherham, towards the stop of the year 1799. A month later on it was inoculated with small-pox affair without effect, and a few months later took confluent small-pox and died. ii. A adult female-servant to Mr. Hazard, of Bungay, in Suffolk, had cow-pox in the coincidental way from milking. Vii years later she became nurse to Yarmouth Hospital, where she caught pocket-sized-pox, and died. 3 and iv. Elizabeth and John Nicholson, 3 years of age, were vaccinated at Battersea in the summer of 1804. Both contracted small-pox in May, 1805 and died . . . 13. The child of Mr. R died of small-pox in October 1805. The patient had been vaccinated, and the parents were assured of its security. The vaccinator's name was curtained. 14. The child of Mr. Hindsley at Mr. Adam's role . . . died of small-pox a year after vaccination.[10]

Reports through the early on 1800s began to accrue showing vaccination was not living up to its promise to protect from smallpox. A report in 1810 from the Medical Observer noted 535 cases of small-pox after vaccination, 97 fatal cases, and 150 cases of vaccine injuries.[11] Annotation that 97 deaths out of 535 cases is an 18% fatality rate and is substantially the same fatality charge per unit as smallpox before vaccination was introduced. This high fatality rate forth with 150 vaccine-related injuries was a direct challenge to this new and highly lauded medical process.

Another article in 1817 reflected the reality of vaccination failure.

. . . the number of all ranks suffering under Small Pox, who accept previously undergone Vaccination by the most skillful practitioners, is at present alarmingly smashing.[12]

In 1818 Thomas Brown, a surgeon with 30 years of feel in Musselburgh, Scotland, published an commodity discussing his experience with vaccination. He stated that he was originally extremely positive in promoting vaccination and that no one in the medical profession "could outstrip me in zeal for promoting vaccine practice." Merely after vaccinating 1,200 persons, he became disappointed in the promise of vaccination. His feel was that, after vaccination, people even so could contract and even die from smallpox, and that he could no longer support the practise.[thirteen]

Like today, surgeons and doctors of the time were amply compensated for performing vaccination and thus had a trend to embrace it equally a new class of income. It is therefore quite significant for a doc to have spoken out against information technology as Dr. Brown did.

Continued observations showed that smallpox could still infect those who previously had smallpox and that those who were vaccinated could also be infected.

. . . during the years 1820, 1, and, two [1820-1822] at that place was a great hubbub virtually the modest-pox. It broke out with the slap-up epidemic to the north . . . It pressed close to home to Dr. Jenner himself . . . Information technology attacked many who had had minor-pox before, and often severely; almost to death; and of those who had been vaccinated, information technology left some alone, simply fell upon great numbers.[14]

William Cobbett was a farmer, journalist, and English pamphleteer. In 1829 he wrote about the failure of vaccination to protect people from smallpox. Cobbett considered vaccination to be an unproven and fraudulent medical do. He noted that:

. . . hundreds of instances, persons moo-cow-poxed past JENNER HIMSELF, have taken the real modest-pox afterwards, and have either died from the disorder, or narrowly escaped with their lives![15]

During this time vaccine material was the "humanized" form, which meant that material was taken from the arm of a previously vaccinated person to vaccinate the next person. Arm-to-arm vaccination continued for decades, just as failures increased at that place was a belief that the vaccine had lost its original supposed say-so, and there were calls to obtain fresh fabric directly from cows.[16]

While the legend maintained that the vaccine cloth came from cows, Jenner actually believed the fabric originated from an infectious condition of horses chosen the "grease." From this and other beliefs, there were many attempts to recreate an original cow-based vaccine. All these attempts failed.[17] Some believed that cowpox was simply smallpox that was passed through cows and somehow made into a new disease.[18] This faulty belief would result in the cosmos of more smallpox epidemics.

In 1836 in Attenborough, Massachusetts, Dr. John C. Martin took fluid from the pock of a human who died from smallpox and inoculated information technology onto a cow's udder. He then took pus from that moo-cow and used information technology to vaccinate people. A big smallpox epidemic ensued causing panic and sickness in many people over the subsequent months.[19] A later enquiry determined that this was zippo more than than the sometime do of smallpox inoculation.[20]

Not just was vaccination failing and causing smallpox epidemics, only there were likewise reports of deaths from other causes shortly after vaccination. For example, a skin condition called erysipelas was a especially prolonged and painful manner to die.

. . . a boy from Somers-town, anile 5 years, "small-pox confluent, unmodified (9 days)." He had been vaccinated at the age of 4 months; one cicatrix . . . the wife of a labourer, from Lambeth, aged 22 years, "small-pox confluent, unmodified (viii days)." Vaccinated in infancy in Suffolk; two practiced cicatrices . . . the son of a mariner, aged x weeks, and the son of a carbohydrate baker, aged thirteen weeks, died of "general erysipelas afterwards vaccination, effusion of the brain."[21]

Because arm-to-arm vaccination was existence used, other diseases could be spread causing various epidemics. Infectious diseases attributed to vaccination included tuberculosis and syphilis. In 1863 Dr. Ricord spoke before the Academy at Paris.

First I rejected the idea that syphilis could be transplanted by vaccination. But facts accumulated more than and more, and now I must concede the possibility of the transfer of syphilis past means of the vaccine. I do this very reluctantly. At present I do not hesitate longer to acknowledge and proclaim the reality of the fact.[22]

As information technology became increasingly clear throughout the 1800s to more doctors and citizens that vaccination was not what information technology was promised to be, refusals increased. In order to deal with this, the judicial arrangement intervened. In 1855, Massachusetts created a set of comprehensive laws providing for widespread vaccination.[23]

These laws and compulsory vaccination did cipher to curb the problem of smallpox. Data from Boston that begins in 1811 shows that, starting around 1837, there were periodic smallpox epidemics that culminated in the great 1872 epidemic. Subsequently 1855, there were further smallpox epidemics in 1859-60, 1864-65, and 1867 and the infamous epidemic in 1872-73. This was the most severe smallpox epidemic since the introduction of vaccination.[24] These repeat smallpox epidemics showed that the strict vaccination laws instituted by Massachusetts in 1855 had no effect at all (Graph 1). In fact, more people died in the 20 years afterwards the strict Massachusetts vaccination compulsory laws than in the 20 years before.

Graph 1: Boston smallpox mortality rate from 1841 to 1880.

Graph 1: Boston smallpox mortality charge per unit from 1841 to 1880.

By this bespeak, the medical profession no longer claimed lifelong protection confronting smallpox from a unmarried vaccination. Instead, claims were made that vaccination made smallpox less likely to kill or that smallpox would be milder. Calls were then made for revaccination. Claims were made that revaccination had to be performed anywhere from yearly to every 10 years.[25]

While the majority of the medical profession supported vaccination, there were those that spoke out against the procedure. Dr. Longstaffe, a prominent doc of Edinburgh England noted that huge profits were beingness fabricated by vaccinators. Immense fiscal gain combined with the force of law created the perfect environment that would impose vaccination upon the citizens of the Western earth.

The public vaccinators have received immense sums from Parliament . . . In 1850 alone they amounted to £54,727, and in the present twelvemonth they will become most a quarter one thousand thousand. Other sums, also, which I cannot name, have been granted for the purpose of sustaining this monstrous fraud. Has always a quack remedy produced then much gain?


In England, governmental command strengthened over the years, with progressively stricter laws designed to enforce vaccination. Laws previously passed in 1840 and 1853 were consolidated into oppressive compulsory laws in 1867 that included fines for parents who did not vaccinate their children. However, through the 1800s, periodic smallpox epidemics continued to occur. A great pandemic struck in 1872 and took the lives of thousands, even those who were vaccinated.

Every recruit that enters the French ground forces is vaccinated. During the Franco-Prussian war there were twenty-three thousand four hundred and 60-nine cases of small-pox in that regular army. The London Lancet of July fifteen, 1871 said:

Of nine thousand three hundred and 90-two minor-pox patients in London hospitals, six chiliad eight hundred and fifty-four had been vaccinated. Seventeen and half per cent of those attacked died. In the whole country more than than ane hundred and twenty-two thousand vaccinated persons take suffered from small-pox . . . Official returns from Frg show that between 1870 and 1885 one million vaccinated persons died from small-pox.[27]

Concerns over vaccine safety, effectiveness, and governmental infringement on personal liberty and freedom through compulsory vaccination stoked the fires of the anti-vaccine move. People began to resist the government and chose to pay fines. Some even accepted imprisonment rather than allowing vaccination for themselves or their children. The public backlash culminated in the slap-up sit-in in Leicester England, in 1885. That same year Leicester's government, which had pushed for vaccination through the use of fines and jail time, was replaced with a new government that was opposed to compulsory vaccination. By 1887, the vaccination coverage rates had dropped to 10%.[28]

Instead of relying on vaccination, people began to rely on proper sanitation, quarantine of smallpox patients and thorough disinfection of their homes. They believed this technique was a cheap and effective ways that eliminated the need for vaccination. Withal, at that place were dire predictions from the majority of the medical community that strongly endorsed vaccination and believed the low vaccination rate would result in a terrible "massacre," especially in the "unprotected" children.[29]

Despite such prophesies of doom from the medical profession, the majority of the boondocks'south residents were steadfast in their conventionalities that vaccination was non necessary to control smallpox. The prophecy that the Leicester residents would eventually be plagued with disaster never did come to pass. Low vaccination rates resulted in lower smallpox rates and deaths, than in well-vaccinated towns.[30] In fact, the lower vaccination rates correlated to an overall decrease in smallpox deaths (Graph ii). Leicester showed that by abandoning vaccination in favor of what became termed as the "Leicester Method," deaths from smallpox were far lower than when vaccination rates were loftier.

The experience of unvaccinated Leicester is an eye-opener to the people and an eye-sore to the pro-vaccinists the world over. Hither is a great manufacturing boondocks having a population of virtually a quarter of a million, which has demonstrated by a crucial test of an feel extending over a menses of more than than a quarter of a century, that an unvaccinated population has been far less susceptible to small-pox and far less afflicted by that disease since it abased vaccination than information technology was at a time when ninety-five per cent of its births were vaccinated and its adult population well re-vaccinated.[31]

While vaccination was often promoted every bit a rubber procedure, it oft caused sickness or fifty-fifty death. From 1859 to 1922 official deaths related to vaccination were more than 1,600 in England (Graph three). In fact, from 1906 to 1922 the number of deaths recorded from smallpox vaccination and smallpox were approximately the same (Graph iv).

Graph 2: Leicester England smallpox mortality rate vs. vaccination coverage from 1838 to 1910.

Graph two: Leicester England smallpox mortality charge per unit vs. vaccination coverage from 1838 to 1910.

Graph 3: England and Wales total deaths from cowpox and other effects of vaccination from 1859 to 1922.

Graph 3: England and Wales total deaths from cowpox and other effects of vaccination from 1859 to 1922.

Graph 4: England and Wales smallpox deaths vs. vaccination deaths from 1906 to 1922

Graph four: England and Wales smallpox deaths vs. vaccination deaths from 1906 to 1922

At the end of the 1800s, smallpox changed its character. Later on the summer of 1897, the astringent type of smallpox with its high death charge per unit, with rare exception, had entirely disappeared from the United States. Smallpox turned from a illness that killed one in 5 of its victims to one that but killed anywhere from 1 in 50 and afterwards to as low every bit 1 in 380. The disease could nonetheless kill, but having get and so much milder, it was often mistaken for various other pox infections or skin eruptions.

During 1896 a very mild type of smallpox began to prevail in the Southward and later gradually spread over the country. The mortality was very low and it [smallpox] was normally at first mistaken for chicken pox. . .[32]

The author of a 1913 article in The Journal of Infectious Diseases presented a tabular array showing that in 1895 and 1896 the smallpox death rate was effectually xx%, every bit information technology had been historically. The tabular array also showed that after 1896 the death rate fell off quickly, starting with 6% in 1897 to every bit depression as 0.26% by 1908. As the mild form of smallpox replaced the classic type, smallpox could be difficult to tell from chickenpox, which was, past this time, considered a mild disease of childhood.

. . . chickenpox, is a modest communicable disease of childhood, and is chiefly important because it frequently gives ascension to difficulty in diagnosis in cases of balmy smallpox. Smallpox and chickenpox are sometimes very difficult to differentiate clinically.[33]

Past the 1920s it was recognized that the new form of smallpox produced trivial in the way of symptoms, even though few had been vaccinated.

Individual cases, or fifty-fifty epidemics, occur in which, although at that place has been no protection by vaccination, the class of the disease is extremely mild. The lesions are few in number or entirely absent, and the constitutional symptoms balmy or insignificant.[34]

Despite this extremely low vaccine coverage charge per unit, there was never a resurgence of smallpox. Even though smallpox was not a major consequence, the do of smallpox vaccination continued from the fourth dimension of the last smallpox decease in the United States in 1948 up until 1963. This resulted in an estimated 5,000 unnecessary vaccine-related hospitalizations from generalized rash, secondary infections, and encephalitis.

A 1958 study detailed the cases of nine children in which 2 died of a skin condition due to vaccination, now being termed eczema vaccinatum. The occurrence of this illness was estimated by the authors to be between 1 in xx,000 to one in 100,000 with a fatality rate of four to 40%.[35] However, they acknowledged that most cases were not reported and there was no authentic accounting on this consequence of vaccination. There were as well an estimated 200 to 300 deaths every bit the consequence of smallpox vaccination, while during the same time there had only been 1 smallpox decease in 1948.[36]

The last smallpox decease in the United States following an importation occurred in 1948, but since that time at that place have been probably 200 to 300 deaths from smallpox vaccination.[37]

Eczema vaccinatum is still occurring today, as recently noted in the news. A toddler was infected by his military father after the father was vaccinated. Later on a prolonged admission, and a calendar week of experimental treatments including allowed globulin from donor blood and antiviral medication, the toddler recovered. The mother also required treatment and virus was found all over the house.[38]

Because of poor surveillance and vaccine reaction underreporting, the authors of a 1970 study thought that the number of smallpox vaccine-related deaths could actually accept been even college. This study but examined deaths from 1959 to 1968 in the United States. If the deaths were this high in a country with a mod health-care system, what was the total number of deaths from smallpox vaccination from 1800 to the present across the entire globe?

There were those in the medical community who were relieved that the failure of compulsory vaccination never gained much public scrutiny. Instead, the focus was shifted to new types of vaccinations.

Compulsory vaccination which once had the suffrage of the nation has at present inappreciably a serious supporter. We are ashamed to jettison the thought completely and perhaps afraid that if we did the accident of some hereafter epidemic might put u.s.a. in the wrong. Nosotros prefer to let compulsory vaccination die a natural death and are relieved that the full general public is not curious enough to demand an inquest. In the meantime our attention is diverted to other and newer forms of immunisation.[39]

During this time with vaccination equally most the only medically promoted mode to deal with illness, there were doctors finding astonishing successes with smallpox using other methods. Vinegar is a common food product that is made through fermentation of a diverseness of sources. An 1877 article described the success that Dr. Roth had using vinegar for smallpox prophylaxis.

D. G. Oliphant, M.D., of Toronto, Canada, having read the article on the utilise of Acerb acid in ruby-red fever, writes of a "vinegar cure" as practical to small pox. Dr. Roth starting time claimed wonderful success in treatment regarding vinegar more reliable equally a safety in small-pox than Belladonna in ruddy fever. Dr. Roth gave both to the sick and to the exposed two table-spoonfuls of vinegar, after breakfast and at evening, for fourteen days. Few persons thus treated took the disease at all. None who adopted the safe treatment died, while amidst those under ordinary handling the mortality was as usual.[40]

In 1899 Dr. Howe also demonstrated vinegar's ability to protect a person from acquiring smallpox. Those who used the vinegar protocol were able to take care of other people with smallpox without fear of contracting the disease. The author notes that despite several hundred exposures, vinegar was protective against smallpox and was considered an "established fact."[41]

Again, in 1901 professor MacLean promoted the thought of vinegar every bit a real preventative of smallpox. Dr. MacLean claimed that apple cider vinegar and no other blazon of vinegar should be used three or 4 times a day to protect a person from contracting smallpox.

J.P. MacLean Ph. D., the renowned "anti" Secretary of the Western Reserve Historical Society, having readily overthrown the conclusions of all the slap-up men who for a century past take been convinced of the efficacy of vaccination for the prevention of smallpox, at present comes to the front in the newspapers with the real preventative. "Any person who has been exposed need have no fear of smallpox if he will accept ii or three tablespoonfuls of pure cider vinegar three or 4 times a day." The give-and-take may now exist regarded as closed, and smallpox at concluding is conquered![42]

Apple cider vinegar might seem featherbrained, but just considering most people accept been conditioned to accept the historic period-old prophylaxis for smallpox: raw, illness-laden, contaminated pus scrapings from an infected fauna'south (ordinarily a cow) belly, diluted in glycerin, and scratched into the human arm with a metal prong until the arm was raw and bleeding. What seems sillier at present?

Scurvy is a illness that results from a deficiency of vitamin C due to starvation or just an extremely poor or unbalanced diet. Vitamin C is essential for the formation of healthy collagen. Collagen is the protein that forms connective tissue in skin, bones, and blood vessels and also gives support to internal organs. In scurvy, the body is not able to generate acceptable collagen or extracellular matrix proteins that serve every bit mortar holding cells together and, as a result, literally comes unglued and falls autonomously.

William A. Guy, dean of the Medical Section of King's College, described the poor diet of gold miners in California in the 1850s. Thousands of miners subsisted on meat, fatty, java, and alcohol while working long, hard days under the unrelenting California lord's day. The vitamin C-deficient nutrition led many to develop scurvy.

Scurvy has been very prevalent amongst the gold miners of California . . . the emigrants upon the overland journeys and at the mines, as living almost entirely upon fried bacon or fat pork and flour made into batter-cakes, and fried in the fatty, which completely saturates information technology. This is washed downward with copious librations of strong java, and large quantities of brandy or whiskey are taken in the intervals of the meals . . . this has been the nutrition of thousands for months, nether a scorching sunday, when the temperature was over a hundred in the shade, the men being at the same time subjected to the most intense labour.[43]

Although many died of cholera during the California Gold Blitz of the mid-1800s, an estimated x,000 men died from scurvy.

During the American Ceremonious War twice equally many died from nutritional deficiency related diseases as those killed in boxing.[44] For instance, the causes of death listed for Indiana soldiers cached at the National Cemetery in Andersonville, Georgia, shows that diarrhea and scurvy straight deemed for at least two-thirds.[45] Dysentery was the next common cause of death, with the infamous diseases such as smallpox, typhus, pneumonia, and gangrene responsible for but a small fraction. Those who were killed in actual boxing or who died equally a consequence of their wounds deemed only for 1 pct of the total deaths.

Other big infectious killers such as cherry-red fever, measles, diphtheria, and whooping cough (also known as pertussis) all profoundly declined during this fourth dimension to where they were either completely eliminated or considered mild childhood illnesses by the mid-1900s. This massive decline of 99% of deaths in whooping cough and measles occurred before vaccines or antibiotics were available (Graph 5 & 6).

Graph 5: England and Wales whooping cough mortality rate from 1838 to 1978.

Graph 5: England and Wales whooping cough mortality rate from 1838 to 1978.

Graph 6: England and Wales measles mortality rate from 1838 to 1978.

Graph vi: England and Wales measles mortality charge per unit from 1838 to 1978.

The fairytale legend of a land doctor making a discovery that saved the globe from the destruction of smallpox is a fundamental medical belief that continues to be echoed past indoctrinated and naïve doctors whenever vaccines are challenged. Smallpox vaccine, in the minds of medical professionals remains a pillar of their vaccine religion. But the true history shows united states of america a different reality.

The brand proper noun of vaccination was indoctrinated into the world psyche every bit something to protect someone from an illness. This belief spawned off numerous other ideas using the same notion of injecting whole or parts of illness matter into living beings in attempts to protect them from a specific affliction. The reality of vaccination is nothing shut to the myth.

Other extremely effective alternative methods of sanitation, nutrition, apple tree cider vinegar, and other solutions were ignored and have since vanished from societal collective retention. Instead we were left with the mythical history of Jenner'south groovy discovery and the continued onslaught of dangerous vaccines to newborn infants. Vaccines are now a regular thing from cradle to grave, all in the name of supposedly healthier people. Now that the mantle has been pulled dorsum on the origins of vaccination, exercise more and more vaccines seem like a proficient idea to you?

More information on the history of vaccination including polio, measles, whooping cough, and lost remedies tin be found in Dr Humphries' and Roman Bystrianyk's book "Dissolving Illusions" which tin can be establish on

1.Seth Mnookin, The Panic Virus, Simon & Schuster, 2011, p. 31.
2.Science the Definitive Visual Guide, DK Publishing, 2009, p. 156.
3.Victor C. Vaughan, MD, Epidemiology and Public Health, St. Louis, C.V. Mosby Company, 1922, p. 189.
4.Frederick F. Cartwright, Disease and History, Rupert-Hart-Davis, London, 1972, p. 124.
v.William Douglass, MA, A Summary, Historical and Political, of the Get-go Planting, Progressive Improvements and Present State of the British Settlements of Due north-America, London, 1760, p. 398.
6.Ann Jannetta, The Vaccinators: Smallpox Medical Knowledge and the 'Opening' of Japan, Stanford University Press, 2007, p.179.
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36.David Koplow, Smallpox: The Right to Eradicate a Global Scourge, 2004, University of California Printing, p.21.
37.The Yale journal of biology and medicine, 1968, vol. 41, p. ten.
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42.Cleveland Journal of Medicine, vol. Vi, no. 1, 1901, p. 58.
43.William A. Guy, "Lectures on Public Wellness. Addressed to the Students of the Theological Department of Rex's College," Medical Times, vol. 23, January 4 to June 28, 1851, p. 283.
44.Roy Porter, The Greatest Benefit to Flesh, Harper Collins, New York, 1997, p. 399.
45.Report of the Unveiling And Dedication of Indiana Monument at Andersonville, Georgia (National Cemetery), Nov 26 1908, pp. 73-102.


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