Trump and Biden Voters Can Both Agree That Michael Jordan Is the GOAT

A new pollard from, an organization that has spent seven months tracking voters' attitudes towards politics and COVID-19, has found some deep surprising data. America is, no doubt, a deeply partisan Carry Amelia Moore Nation — and it's knotty to incu just around anything that Republicans and Democrats will agree on. But NavigatorResearch set up that there's at least one thing that Trump and Biden voters can see eye-to-eye on, and it's actually non that surprising, once you get down to it. In fact, voters across all political party lines, non-voters, people World Health Organization get into't affiliate with either party and of course, traditional Republicans and Democrats all agree along combined thing. What is information technology?

Everyone in United States basically agrees that Michael Jordan , is, unarguably, the GOAT. Amid the polling on politics, COVID-19, and voting, one topic that came up is one that is about as overaged as time: Who is better? Jordan or LeBron? The project concludes, "Despite LeBron James of late winning his one-fourth championship, majorities of Biden and Trump voters say Jordan is the greatest player of every last time, while less than single in six of each say that LeBron is the best ever." There you take up information technology, folks. And it's also Worth noting that an ESPN poll from second in May ground similarly that 73% of basketball fans believe that Jordan is better than LeBron.

Dent Gourevitch posted the results on Twitter, writing, "In our last pre-election poll, we posed a critical question: Who is the greatest player of all time? It's MJ finished LeBron. And IT's non close. Simply there was bipartisan agreement!" Gourevitch clearly made his opinion on the matter known in the comments section, adding, "Or s of my jr. colleagues were distraught by this result."

According to the Navigator poll, just 27% of men between the ages of 18-34 prefer LeBron. Overall, of those who were polled, 60% said that Michael Jordan was the go-to-meeting basketball thespian ever, with 12% preferring LeBron and 28% saying that they don't bang adequate to order. Among probable Biden voters, 57% aforesaid Michael Jordan , and among Trump voters, 66% also same Jordan . That's compared to 15% of Biden voters preferring LeBron and 8% of Trump voters World Health Organization consider that LeBron is the Stoog. Well, Trump and Biden voters power discord happening a fortune of things, just Michael Jordan being the best is non one of them.


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